AlgoMantra Design

An Open Source Festival. A New Way Of Thinking.
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
When are we going to play this?

Since the date will be announced early in February 2005, you need to wait and find out. The festival will be held over a weekend, so OrganicPoetry will be held on the Friday evening of that weekend.

What does it feel like?

Amazing, in our experience. Just sit down with a few friends, print out this page, and start playing with what you have. You can also make elaborate arrangements like erect OrganicPoetry installations in a public square, but that depends on the resources at your disposal.

You can play this on a piece of paper, a human body, a wall..the choice is entirely yours! The job is to grow a network of words emanating from a single word in the centre. It's a lot like Scrabble, but you link up words instead of letters. You can play in any language!

What's so special about OrganicPoems?

Often, they are better than any poem an average human being could write. There are great poets in history who may be great, but OrganicPoems are almost always very fresh and inventive. This is because they harness the beauty of our collective mind.
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